About renderings: the majority of these works are about interior design, you will first require a tridimensional model of the interiors with which we can understand through a realistic photographic simulation if the solution it's suitable and appreciated by the clients. These are some of our first realizations, so they're not great in quality but in future we will improve our rendering abilities.
Cadastral practices:
Land registering: with the sofware PREGEO and the digital tools that we possess we are able to update cadastral maps with new insertions, splittings of terrains and check for property borders; also with the software DOCFA we can proceed to make cadastral variations and register new properties.
Transfers: in occasion of inheritance, document trade or eventually database errors, with the software VOLTURA we can adjust those and proceed to update the cadastral informations for urban and rural.
GEOWEB portal: thanks to the link to the portal of the revenue authority, we can provide updated cadastral maps, expanded registration reports, planimetries and estate lists. It is also possible to provide in real time a cadastral overlapping on satellite and see how property borders are defined.
Condominium practices:
Most of the assignment are entrusted by condominium administrators in the district. Thanks to our experience we are able to edit property charts to allocate the proper amount for who's part of a street or a building using the latest condominium rules. We are also able to make calculations for covering on buildings with site management and occupational safety.
Evaluations and estimations:
The evaluation is an important document for contributor because provide useful elements that can help him to evade different kind of problematics.
It could be write for fiscal purposes to determinate the market value of property in case of litigation against the revenue.
It could be edited for testimonial and could describe with appropriate photographic documentation a particular situation on a previous construction intervention, also to prevent problems with construction companies.
Lastly it could be write for determinate damage assessment on properties or neighboorhood damage insistency.
Civil controversy:
I worked for a decade to the court with the role of side consultant that made me increase my professional experience, then i chose to leave and dedicate myself into civil controversies carrying my knowledge about this argument. We are not limitated by obligations but we prefer to take a job that is tied to the urban and cadastral.
Building renovation and new constructions:
From the start until now, for 40 years we practiced projecting and designing of buildings. With the entry of the P.U.C. of Alassio we expanded our knowledge in design and we had lots of buildings that required a split and needed to create a attached garages.
We studied the P.U.C. and we increased our legislative knowledge that helped us to create better projects and design.
Spot height maps and topographic surveys:
Thanks to our topographic instruments we can make spot height maps for new buildings or expansion of existing ones, setting our terminal on the sea level or on the construction site ones.
Recently we engaged in facade surveys only using our topographic station with laser measuring, reducing considerably the time to complete all measures.
This activity permit to have a precise graphic restitution of what has been surveyed and then we are able to generate files with the most common extensions (dwg, dxf, pro, skp, ecc.) suitable with most of the software houses.
Worksite safety:
From 1998 we are qualified to carry out assignments for worksite safety in construction sites in both projectual phase and executive. From 2012 we improved our abilities by specific class because of the approval of the legislative decrete n. 81/08. We are able to arrange the P.O.S. for companies whose need it.
Works specification and tender dossiers:
Both for project done by our team and for realisation from third party we are able to draw up contracting agreement to satisfy clients and companies requirements, and we also edit calculations.
We are used to take items and prices from the Prezzario delle Opere Edili of the Ligurian Region that is updated every year.
Behind the scenes of an excellent result there's always a good project design that is planned with advance. So during the planning phase it's better to understand the limits and how the projects can evolve architectonically without any problems. In the building sector we must check for regulations because it's fundamental to avoid procedure failure. A good consultation permit to realize choices to grant a successful debate. Pianification can also be realized for the acquisition of goods, to choose the right company and for establish the tipology of works that is going to be achieved.
Energetic certifications:
We are qualified to draw up energetic certifications for any kind of real estate which is going to be used for rent contract and sales. We use the program CELESTE continually updated with the latest version available and I am member of the register of the energetic certificator of the Ligurian Region with the number 4204.
Site management:
Over the course of our activity we are often asked to be construction manager, both for normal supervision on the construction site of building projects and for the correct execution of the work during the executive phase. During the years we continually updated our knowledge in building sites on the executive phases and also on materials employed.
Rendering of properties and interiors:
Through specific program we are able to realize 3d model design and realistic rapresentative photos of exteriors and interiors of buildings.
The planning of tridimensional models in our Studio happens via Sketchup by Trimble which is integrated with an extension that permit to generate high quality texture.
On request we arrange interior design solutions, complete restyling of residents facade and modifications as regards of clients necessities.